Almost everyone in Michigan has the same initial vision in mind when they hear the term “private investigator”: some guy following a cheating spouse around with zoom lens camera, maybe even wearing a trench coat. Perhaps its one of those “celebrity PIs” that we see on reality TV these days with their guns and cigars. In some cases, that may be exactly who and what a private investigator is, but when it comes to the work of a forensic accountant, the image changes drastically.
Forensic accountants in Michigan are tasked with challenging work. We work to uncover things like: missing assets, fraud, embezzlement, employee theft, the real value of a business or estate or hidden loses. The skills required to accomplish these goals are very different from that of a generalist accountant. At RCT we realized that our clients need more than someone who understands the numbers and accounting practices, they need someone who can look beyond the numbers and determine if they are accurate and where they really come from. This is the world of the detective; the financial detective.
In Michigan private detectives are now called Professional Investigators. And professionals they must be. At RCT we realized that a marriage of private investigators and forensic accounting was necessary to truly be able to serve our clients. We are state licensed professional investigators who, by statue, provide the same level of client confidentiality and privilege to our clients, as do attorneys and physicians, giving you complete security that nothing we do for you can be obtained by others. Its the law. We have combined our investigative expertise and our accounting expertise and obtained the skills and professional designations that are on the leading edge of investigations and forensic accounting. Designations like the Certified Fraud Examiner, the CPA and the Certified Professional Investigator set us apart form the crowd and give our clients the best chance at justice.
As specialized investigators, we do not provide all of the services that a generalist PI might. Our focus is on financial activity and money. Here are some of the investigative services we commonly provide:
- Locating assets
- Tracing transactions
- Business valuation
- Locating people
- Interviewing witnesses
- Due diligence investigations
- Investigative research
- Fraud investigations
- Computer forensics
- Cell phone forensics
The average case of fraud against a business, or an attempt to hide assets, can involve a combination of many of these specialized investigations. If you are faced with a fraud, complex business litigation or need to track or locate financial activity, we urge you to call us. The call is free and we can give you a good understanding of what we can do to mitigate your potential loses.